The evidence remained circumstantial. Nevertheless, in December, CIA chief Leon Panetta decided the intelligence in hand was compelling enough to act. 证据仍不充分,但中情局局长帕内塔在2010年12月认定,已掌握的情报已经具备足够的说服力,可以采取行动。
The study by three academics – to be published today – is the first to provide evidence that options of outside directors were backdated in the same way as the ones awarded to chief executives. 此项研究是由三位大学老师进行的,其结果将于今日发表,它将率先提供相关证据,表明企业外部董事的期权与授予首席执行官的期权一样,也出现了倒签行为。
Therefore, there is some evidence of RPE in chief executives of China's listed enterprises. 我是首席客户经理&访中国银行江西分行行长方红光因此,中国上市公司高管存在一定程度的RPE证据。
Established in the administrative field of the history of illegal evidence exclusion rule is an inevitable choice, I believe that the establishment of the Administrative Procedure Act, and in the Administrative Procedure Act specifically provides that the Chief of illegal evidence exclusion rule is more reasonable. 在行政领域建立非法证据排除规则也是历史的必然选择,笔者认为,建立行政程序法,并且在行政程序法中具体规定行政非法证据排除规则更具有合理性。